Greetings loved ones, it is I, a DAMN PATRIOT, back again with
the OFFICIAL BRAVE SKILL PLAN v2.0, now with 200% more FREEDOM.
This is a complete
combat plan for all BRAVE pilots who want to train all major BRAVE Doctrines, including Harpies, Cormorants, Talwars, Caracals, Moas, ANIs, Interceptors,
Bombers, EAGLES, Cerberus’s’s, and finally Tengus(soon)™. Along the way you
will also acquire PVE skills in order to fund your PVP fun, the ability to fly
all t1 cruisers and weapon systems, a solid bank of support skills, and more
fun than your virgin noob ass can handle.
The philosophy I follow when designing any skill plan is to train for ships. Although the plan
spans over 400 days, every few weeks
you will acquire the skills to fly a brand
new ship. You won’t find yourself waiting around for something to do as you
train to the last ship, because you’ll be flying
new ships every day. Have fun
instructions before starting plan:
A: Remap
your attributes to Perception (MAX:27)/Intelligence (21) by:
1. Click character icon in top left or press alt+a
2. Click attributes
3. Click remap now
4. Subtract points from all skills
5. Max points into Perception
6. Remaining points into Intelligence
This is the absolute best remap for newbies by far, and will
cut 10% off your training time while allowing you to rapidly acquire a variety
of skills in rapid succession without worrying about grouping them together in
lame and boring ways.
B: Run with
+1 or +2 implants always. +1s free from DOJO brah.
Running with +2 implants in the primary and secondary slot will
cut your training time by a further 10%, totes worth. +3 implants in the
primary attributes of most skills only will give you another 3% (35 + 10 full
days over the next year.) In order to save ISK and allow yourself to get
repeatedly podded without worrying about that ISK, use +3 or +2 in your currently
training skill’s primary attribute (view info on the skill), and +2 or +1 in
the secondary attribute. +1 implants are
free from BRAVE DOJO, the only time you should not be running them is when you
plan to get podded more than 5 times in the next hour.
Starter Pack
We start you off with a slew of the most basic skills with
which you will enjoy your neocom going “Doo doo doo” repeatedly for about 2
days straight. You’ll immediately be able to get into the fight with BRAVE
tackle frigates, including Atrons, Condors, Rifters, and more.
Cybernetics I
Gallente Frigate I
Hull Upgrades I
Small Hybrid Turret I
Propulsion Jamming I
Afterburner I
Afterburner II
Afterburner III
High Speed Maneuvering I
Small Hybrid Turret II
Target Management I
Signature Analysis I
Warp Drive Operation I
Drones I
Drone Avionics I
Small Projectile Turret I
Capacitor Systems Operation I
Repair Systems I
Missile Launcher Operation I
Rockets I
Leadership I
Long Range Targeting I
Shield Upgrades I
Evasive Maneuvering I
Minmatar Frigate I
Caldari Frigate I
Rapid Firing I
Sharpshooter I
Controlled Bursts I
Motion Prediction I
Electronic Warfare I
Energy Grid Upgrades I
Weapon Upgrades I
Missile Bombardment I
Shield Management I
Target Painting I
Weapon Disruption I
Capacitor Management I
Tactical Shield Manipulation I
Acceleration Control I
Target Management II
Signature Analysis II
Fuel Conservation I
Warp Drive Operation II
Drones II
Drone Avionics II
Small Projectile Turret II
Capacitor Systems Operation II
Repair Systems II
Rockets II
Missile Launcher Operation II
Light Missiles I
Rapid Launch I
Target Navigation Prediction I
Gallente Frigate II
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Gallente Frigate III
Exploration Frigates - Heron
Great, now you’ve
got a ton of basic skills, and hopefully you’ve already died and killed in your
baller ass frigate. Now it’s time to
discover the absolute best way for a newbro to make ISK in BRAVE sovereign
space: exploration. Search the wiki for exploration to learn how, and drop
by the BRAVE DOJO Channel in game and in mumble to ask for someone to guide you
through it.
Survey I
Electronics Upgrades I
Astrometrics I
Survey II
Astrometric Rangefinding I
Evasive Maneuvering II
Caldari Frigate II
Electronics Upgrades II
Caldari Frigate III
Astrometrics II
Acceleration Control II
Mechanics III
Drones III
Light Drone Operation I
Light Drone Operation II
Survey III
Archaeology I
Salvaging I
Archaeology II
Salvaging II
Drone Avionics III
Missile Launcher Operation III
Missile Projection I
Electronics Upgrades III
Hacking I
Hacking II
Astrometrics III
Astrometric Acquisition I
Astrometric Acquisition II
Amarr Frigate III
Light Drone Operation III
Archaeology III
Hacking III
Salvaging III
CPU Management IV
Cloaking I
CPU Management IV
Cloaking I
Cloaking II
Cloaking III
EWAR Frigates
Oh you are a pro
explorer now? Awesome. Time to get your penis on by being a dick to enemy
fleets: it’s time to train Electronic Warfare, or EWAR skills. With just a
small frigate such as a Maulus or Griffin, you can render much more powerful
hostile ships impotent, like cagali cagali’s
Power Grid Management IV
Electronic Warfare II
Frequency Modulation I
Target Painting II
Weapon Disruption II
Propulsion Jamming II
Frequency Modulation II
Rockets III
Electronic Warfare III
Frequency Modulation III
Long Distance Jamming I
Long Distance Jamming II
Long Distance Jamming III
Long Range Targeting II
Shield Upgrades II
Minmatar Frigate II
Rapid Firing II
Controlled Bursts II
Motion Prediction II
Sharpshooter II
Weapon Upgrades II
Hull Upgrades II
Light Missiles II
Rapid Launch II
Missile Bombardment II
Target Navigation Prediction II
Minmatar Frigate III
High Speed Maneuvering II
Small Projectile Turret III
Small Hybrid Turret III
Capacitor Systems Operation III
Repair Systems III
Astrometric Rangefinding II
Shield Management II
Capacitor Management II
Tactical Shield Manipulation II
Missile Projection II
Armor Layering III
Gunnery III
All Destroyers - Cormorant - Talwar
God you’re a fucking
dick, jamming and damping all those helpless dudes. Time to learn how to
fly all the destroyers, including
the dank ass Talwar and the obnoxious
fucking Cormorant. Congratulations,
you have trained your first main BRAVE doctrine ships.
Amarr Destroyer I
Amarr Destroyer II
Gallente Destroyer I
Gallente Destroyer II
Caldari Destroyer I
Caldari Destroyer II
Caldari Destroyer III
Caldari Destroyer IV
Minmatar Destroyer I
Minmatar Destroyer II
Minmatar Destroyer III
Minmatar Destroyer IV
Missile Launcher Operation IV
Warhead Upgrades I
Warhead Upgrades II
Missile Projection III
Amarr Destroyer III
Science IV
Capacitor Management III
Thermodynamics I
Thermodynamics II
Thermodynamics III
Rapid Firing III
Controlled Bursts III
Motion Prediction III
Sharpshooter III
Hull Upgrades III
Rapid Launch III
Missile Bombardment III
Target Navigation Prediction III
Light Missiles III
Hull Upgrades IV
Caldari Frigate IV
T1 Logi - Scythe and Augoror
Oh you are a pro
destroyer pilot you say, well you won’t believe what I have in store for you. Finish
the all important fitting skills of PG V and CPU V in order to fit out your
next most powerful ship: t1 logistics cruisers, including the Moa doctrine Scythe, and the Augoror Navy
Issue doctrine Augoror. T1 logi are
hands down the most powerful noob ships in the game (except for my
trademark newbgeddons lol #rekt)
Power Grid Management V
CPU Management V
Energy Grid Upgrades III
Energy Grid Upgrades IV
Minmatar Cruiser I
Minmatar Cruiser II
Minmatar Cruiser III
Shield Emission Systems I
Shield Emission Systems II
Shield Emission Systems III
Shield Emission Systems IV
Shield Management III
Shield Management IV
Shield Operation III
Shield Operation IV
Shield Upgrades III
Shield Upgrades IV
Tactical Shield Manipulation III
Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
Capacitor Systems Operation IV
Capacitor Management IV
Minmatar Cruiser IV
Remote Armor Repair Systems I
Remote Armor Repair Systems II
Remote Armor Repair Systems III
Explosive Armor Compensation I
Explosive Armor Compensation II
Kinetic Armor Compensation I
Kinetic Armor Compensation II
Thermic Armor Compensation I
Thermic Armor Compensation II
Armor Layering I
Armor Layering II
EM Armor Compensation I
EM Armor Compensation II
Amarr Cruiser I
Amarr Cruiser II
Capacitor Emission Systems I
Capacitor Emission Systems II
Capacitor Emission Systems III
Amarr Cruiser III
Amarr Cruiser IV
Wow so logi very
reps much broadcast. You’re the HERO that HERO needs, but not the one it
deserves or something. Enjoy repairing your space bros and being the most powerful
newbie force multiplier in EVE. Next let’s
get you doing some real damage, it’s time to train for the basic main DPS of BRAVE’s
Moa doctrine.
Caldari Cruiser I
Caldari Cruiser II
Caldari Cruiser III
Medium Hybrid Turret I
Medium Hybrid Turret II
Medium Hybrid Turret III
Gunnery IV
Surgical Strike I
Trajectory Analysis I
Trajectory Analysis II
Surgical Strike II
Surgical Strike III
Rapid Firing IV
Weapon Upgrades III
Weapon Upgrades IV
Acceleration Control III
Evasive Maneuvering III
Fuel Conservation II
Fuel Conservation III
Warp Drive Operation III
Target Management III
Trajectory Analysis III
Signature Analysis III
Long Range Targeting III
Medium Hybrid Turret IV
Caldari Cruiser IV
All T1 Cruisers and Weapons - Caracals
Congratulations, you’re
now a certified badass F1 monkey. Remember, always lock targets from the fleet broadcast window, and press F1 and
stuff. Don’t get bombed out there. We’re going to do a quick train of the rest of the t1 cruisers and weapon
systems, and then push into some missile support skills so that we can fly Caracals,
well known as the most annoying ship in the game. (well, one of them.)
Gallente Destroyer III
Gallente Cruiser I
Gallente Cruiser II
Gallente Cruiser III
Medium Energy Turret I
Medium Energy Turret II
Medium Energy Turret III
Medium Projectile Turret I
Medium Projectile Turret II
Medium Projectile Turret III
Heavy Missiles I
Heavy Missiles II
Heavy Assault Missiles I
Heavy Assault Missiles II
Missile Launcher Operation V
Guided Missile Precision I
Guided Missile Precision II
Rapid Launch IV
Warhead Upgrades III
Guided Missile Precision III
Missile Bombardment IV
Heavy Missiles III
Heavy Missiles IV
Heavy Assault Missiles III
That was quicker,
even though we had to train a whole new set of support skills for missiles.
You’ll find that skills in EVE (and this plan) build on each other very quickly,
so that you often only have to train 1 or 2 skills to cross over into an
entirely different ship. Next up, we’ll
be training for one of the most fun ships in the game: interceptors. Tech II
light missiles will also make your Talwar OP, set you up for more frigate fun,
and let you ball out of control with anti-frigate Rapid Light Missile Caracals.
Mechanics IV
Light Missiles IV
Light Missiles V
Light Missiles Specialization I
Light Missiles Specialization II
Light Missiles Specialization III
Caldari Frigate V
Evasive Maneuvering IV
Evasive Maneuvering V
Interceptors I
Interceptors II
Interceptors III
Interceptors IV
Drones Pt.
Now we’re on to the first phase of drone skills: a pretty
big investment in training time, but nearly all ships use them to some degree,
and they’ll make your main doctrine ships much more powerful. You’ll also unlock the powerful Vexor Navy
Issue, which will allow you to destroy the Sanshas menace with Heavy drones
- Ogres and Praetors. Concord will pay you for that shit, then you can buy more
pvp ships to welp. The circle of liiiife.
Drones IV
Drones V
Drone Durability I
Drone Durability II
Drone Interfacing I
Drone Interfacing II
Drone Navigation I
Drone Navigation II
Drone Navigation III
Drone Sharpshooting I
Drone Sharpshooting II
Amarr Drone Specialization I
Amarr Drone Specialization II
Gallente Drone Specialization I
Gallente Drone Specialization II
Caldari Drone Specialization I
Minmatar Drone Specialization I
Heavy Drone Operation I
Heavy Drone Operation II
Heavy Drone Operation III
Amarr Drone Specialization III
Drone Avionics IV
Drone Interfacing III
Drone Sharpshooting III
Target Management IV
Drone Navigation IV
Gallente Cruiser IV
Tech 2
Hybrid Turrets
Ah, your first Cruiser sized tech 2 weapon system, medium
hybrid turrets. Continuing to improve the DPS of your Moa, we’ll be grabbing t2
Hybrid turrets, which will allow you to fire advanced ammo and F1 even harder.
Medium Hybrid Turret V
Motion Prediction IV
Medium Blaster Specialization I
Medium Blaster Specialization II
Medium Blaster Specialization III
Sharpshooter IV
Medium Railgun Specialization I
Medium Railgun Specialization II
Medium Railgun Specialization III
Tech 2
Armor tank, Augoror Navy Improvement
We’re going to spend a little time getting you up to DPS par
with the Augoror Navy doctrine, with hull upgrades V giving you a T2 armor
tank, and improving your energy turret skills. We’ll also throw in some support
Hull Upgrades V
Medium Energy Turret IV
Gunnery V
Controlled Bursts IV
Signature Analysis IV
Afterburner IV
Navigation IV
Repair Systems IV
Warp Drive Operation IV
High Speed Maneuvering III
Target Navigation Prediction IV
Missile Projection IV
Drones Pt.
We’ll round out your drone skills by increasing your Drone
control range, getting more support skills, and training sentry drones (nerf ishtars plz ccp).
Drone Avionics V
Drone Sharpshooting IV
Electronic Warfare IV
Advanced Drone Avionics I
Advanced Drone Avionics II
Advanced Drone Avionics III
Drone Interfacing IV
Drone Durability III
Sentry Drone Interfacing I
Sentry Drone Interfacing II
Sentry Drone Interfacing III
Sentry Drone Interfacing IV
Madness: Harpy and Bombers
From here you are on to two of the most cost efficient ships
in the game: assault frigates and bombers, in this case the Harpy and the Manticore. T2 Small Hybrids will also help you up your Cormorant
Electronics Upgrades IV
Small Hybrid Turret IV
Small Hybrid Turret V
Small Railgun Specialization I
Small Railgun Specialization II
Small Railgun Specialization III
Small Blaster Specialization I
Small Blaster Specialization II
Small Blaster Specialization III
Mechanics V
Assault Frigates I
Assault Frigates II
Assault Frigates III
Assault Frigates IV
Electronics Upgrades V
Cloaking IV
Covert Ops I
Covert Ops I
Covert Ops II
Covert Ops III
Torpedoes I
Torpedoes II
Torpedoes III
Bomb Deployment I
Bomb Deployment II
Bomb Deployment III
Torpedoes IV
Covert Ops IV
Long Range Targeting IV
Nanite Operation I
Nanite Operation II
Nanite Operation III
Nanite Interfacing I
Nanite Interfacing II
Nanite Interfacing III
It’s time. Yes
boys and girls the moment you’ve been waiting (Very patiently) for, EAGLE
FLEET. Get your first Cruiser V and T2 cruiser, and get ready to deliver some
Weapon Upgrades V
Advanced Weapon Upgrades I
Advanced Weapon Upgrades II
Advanced Weapon Upgrades III
Caldari Cruiser V
Energy Grid Upgrades V
Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
Heavy Assault Cruisers I
Heavy Assault Cruisers II
Heavy Assault Cruisers III
Heavy Assault Cruisers IV
Devil Dogs
Right after balling out of control with EAGLES, you’ll get
T2 Heavy missiles in order to fly the massively overpowered Cerberus and rain
down hellfire on unsuspecting noobs. Wait…
Heavy Missiles V
Heavy Missile Specialization I
Heavy Missile Specialization II
Heavy Missile Specialization III
Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV
Finally, you’ll be training for the pinnacle of subcap
power, the feared T3 cruiser. Useful for both PVP and PVE, the tengu is an
expensive, powerful tool which you have finally earned.
Rapid Firing V
Trajectory Analysis IV
Surgical Strike IV
Warhead Upgrades IV
Guided Missile Precision IV
Thermodynamics IV
Rapid Launch V
Caldari Strategic Cruiser I
Caldari Strategic Cruiser II
Caldari Strategic Cruiser III
Caldari Strategic Cruiser IV
Shield Operation V
Caldari Defensive Systems I
Caldari Defensive Systems II
Caldari Defensive Systems III
Caldari Defensive Systems IV
Caldari Electronic Systems I
Caldari Electronic Systems II
Caldari Electronic Systems III
Caldari Electronic Systems IV
Caldari Engineering Systems I
Caldari Engineering Systems II
Caldari Engineering Systems III
Caldari Engineering Systems IV
Caldari Offensive Systems I
Caldari Offensive Systems II
Caldari Offensive Systems III
Caldari Offensive Systems IV
Navigation V
Caldari Propulsion Systems I
Caldari Propulsion Systems II
Caldari Propulsion Systems III
Caldari Propulsion Systems IV
Caldari Offensive Systems V
Caldari Defensive Systems V
And that’s it. You have now mastered 90% of BRAVE’s doctrine
ships, and you have a solid base of support skills. From here you can train any
number of things, from additional t2/t3 cruisers, to carriers, to dreadnaughts
or t2 battleships. Go and be brave my children.