Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Legend Continues

The Legend Continues

BAERS' History and Its Future in EVE

By Edric von Abbadon 
It's been just over 2 years since Dropbears Anonymous was founded. With eyes bright with freedom and hope, a DAMN PATRIOT first incorporated what would become the ballin'-ass corp you see today.

We've come a long way since then - and I've been happy to have served my own part in the process. At this point, you might be asking yourself; "Who is this guy?", "What happened to the DAMN PATRIOT?" Well, I'm Edric; I've been in BAERS for just over 15 months (at least in name). I was there when we moved from Jewhalla to the then-unnamed Kodiak, and from there we sprung at the opportunity to seize Nova for ourselves and claim our place in its storied legacy. I served on the line, doing odd jobs (0KM Bookmarking, hauling, scouting, generally being helpful when the need arose) and trying to keep up in this fast-paced world of Bob and PvP I'd tossed myself into.

I took a break to tend to my academics at the beginning of a tough year for a few months, but by the end of it I was itching for internet spaceships and to return to my now-ancestral homeland. When I did so, we were still deployed to Catch, with STAHP being a big focus. So, hard on cash, and with most of my stuff in the hole presumably gone (for such is the nature of Bob's Holy Land), I did the only natural thing and became de facto head of STAHP - running daytripping fleets for HERO almost daily. The ISK was okay, but it was always more than worth it in my eyes to help show new players that wormholes were things to be explored and enjoyed, not feared and avoided.

From there I took on more jobs, and just as I began to wonder when I'd see Nova again, it happened - Patriot called for the end of the Catch deployment and an almost celebratory eviction was to be undertaken. During that weekend, as the POS was exploding, I took a bunch of screenshots of the POS exploding, and the idea of a video was tossed around. Naturally, it being an odd job, I took it up, and eventually found myself like this guy, the chronicler of our deeds and the herald of our coming, whether it be countering coups or trolling entosis with the new mechanics...

"Well that's all well and good - but what about Patriot? Why's the blog been so quiet?"

Patriot, like many who play EVE, has his own life in meat space, and running the best damn corp in EVE for 2 years straight is no easy feat. After some happy developments in his personal life, EVE became less of a priority, and that's great. So for now, it's my bittersweet duty to announce (here at least, it's been known for a while elsewhere) that a DAMN PATRIOT has stepped down, at least temporarily, from his position as CEO, leaving his capable second-in-command Jim Suletu as our new Glorious Leader. Of course, I had to make a video of this as well, or I wouldn't be doing my job - so I'll embed it below as it is easily the most important of the videos linked in this article.

A DAMN PATRIOT always tried to instill independence within us, and we're all happy to see those lessons manifest themselves in the continued success of the corporation since his extended absence. For now, Jim has asked for some time to set things in order and take up the mantle in full, and we're certain he will continue to be the exemplary leader he's proven himself already to be. In the meantime, BAERS keeps striving for one soul-rejuvenating panty-dropping highest of give-inducing reason: to commit heinous and repeated slam jam ###dumpstered ##rekt ##yoloswagblaze14JESUS420noscopexXXx ultramegadunks.

So what does that mean to those of you reading the blog now? Firstly, you may notice a few more posts going out than before from me - as Patriot has seen fit to give me the keys to the posts in his stead. There may be guides, after-action reports, videos of dank frags, who knows. Secondly, if you're interested in joining BAERS, there may be a delay, (depending on when you're reading this post), as recruitment is currently on hold until Jim gets things sorted out. Finally, some of the older posts may be seeing edits or revamps/reposts to keep them up-to-date, as patches to the game, changes in our skill plan, or other factors make them necessary.

If you have any questions (any time you may be reading this), feel free to send me an EVEmail in-game or maybe leave a comment? I'm not entirely sure how this site works just yet, so that may be easier said than done. In the meantime, keep an eye here, or on the r/bravenewbies subreddit, and bear witness to the BAERS as they continue the legend of a DAMN PATRIOT.

My testimonials:
"Any time I see Edric post"
"You bring a tear to my eye Edric :') America"