Hi Dropbears, and also hi to the poors or whatever. It's finally time for an update to our skill plan. You may have already sensed the direction, as we have been pushing ham legions and ishtars for quite some time.
As with all my skill plans, they are designed around the principle of leapfrogging ship to ship, always training what will give you the best return for the time invested. This particular plan is designed to take new players from 0 to flying our main doctrines as quickly as possible. For most (hopefully all...) of you, Stage 0 (minimum reqs) should have been completed a long time ago. If you're missing skills out of there, then, stop, you're shit, stop it.
From then, the plan is laid out sort of like this.
Stage 1 - Basics
The Basics stage will give you a firm all around footing, including solid support skills, and the ability to competently pilot several choices from our various doctrines, including prominently: the Prophecy and Armageddon (Grizzly Doctrine), and Vexor Navy Issue (Ishtar Doctrine).
Stage 2 - Any of: Interceptor, Electronic Attack Frigate, Interdictor
Without Tackle, most fights just won't happen. This isn't your average BNI yolo tackle atron though. In fact, often some of the most experienced pilots will be providing tackle for a Dropbears fleet - flying an interceptor or dictor *well* is a tough skill, and something that every Dropbear is required to develop and hone.
Stage 3 - HAM Legion
The HAM Legion, which has been our unofficial Grizzly main boat for some time now, is finally taking its rightful place as our primary Grizzly DPS ship. With selectable damage, near perfect application, and great mobility, HAM Legion OP.
Stage 4 - Shield Boat:
A - Ishtar > Proteus, B Tengu > Cerberus, C Guardian > Scimitar > Loki, D Huginn > Loki > Scimitar
For Stage 3, we have a variety of branches to choose from, all designed to get you into another powerful ship as quickly as possible. The main choice is Ishtar into Proteus. Ishtar first, to get you into our shield doctrine, and Proteus afterwards, because after a short 2 week train into t2 blasters/rails, the training is pretty much done.
Next option is Tengu > Cerberus. The Tengu in this case is actually an armor jamgu, not something to be fit into the shield doctrine. The reasoning here is that you'll be able to get into and fly the jamgu much faster than the Cerb, so it goes first.
Third is Guardian > Scimitar. Guardian first, because you already have Amarr Cruiser V from the HAM Legion training, and a quick hop to Logi IV lets you pilot a fair Guardian. Minmatar Cruiser V next gives you the Scimitar, and then finishing off Logi V will let you provide logi for our kitey bullshit shield fleets. Finally, since you already have all the requirements trained, 3 more weeks puts you into an excellent Loki.
Last choice is to go straight for the primary Ishtar support ship, the Huginn, providing webs and paints at range to great effect when combined with Ishtar DPS. Min Cruiser V then sets you up for Loki and Scimitar.
Stage 5 - Any covops/bomber
Lolwtf why did it take us so long to put you in a covops and bomber? Well I'll tell you. Astero. Bob, through CCP, blessed the young wormhole newbie by granting the ability to get into an Astero without training the Covops skill, and thereby bestowed upon you a ship that can warp cloak, fight solo, and take blops bridges, without any skill reqs to speak of. Praise unto Bob. I'd rather have you in our main doctrine ships 30 days earlier.
Stage 6 (Optional) - Any of: Recon, Hictor, Command Ship
Finally, before you plunge into the train for Caps, you may realize that you are close to or really want to train into a specialized ship. Go for it.
Stage 7 - Any of: Archon, Nidhoggur, Moros, Naglfar, Phoenix
Here it is. Many pilots spend years without training caps, whether because they can't see themselves affording them, can't see a use for them, or it just seems like a monumental caps. Dropbears use caps constantly, and Bob provides the isk to fly them recklessly. The Archon is our main triage support carrier, followed closely by the Nidhoggur. The Moros provides unrivalled DPS, the Naglfar offers selectable damage types, and ironically the Phoenix, horrible in kspace, offers insane capabilities in wormholes.
So there it is, here is the skill plan folder link. Currently available are Stages 0, 1, 3, and 4. The rest will be available shortly, along with shiny infographic.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Join Dropbears 2015
Yes, like a luxury car, or... any
car, this latest Dropbears recruitment post is branded 2015 even though it's
still 2014, so that you can feel like your product is up to date for up to a
whole year after it's expired. So, if you're interested in learning about
Dropbears and what we do, and exploring the depths of our hole and many others,
read on. If not, what are you doing here, go mine something or whatever.
Who are Dropbears?
Dropbears Anonymous is a place for chill dudes to be
chill, and we’re always looking for more chill dudes to chill with. We are
other things, too, but above all, we are a group of friends just hanging out
and not taking things too seriously.
That being said, we play EVE on hardmode. Wormhole space
is the most inhospitable of EVE space, welcoming only to those who embrace the
challenge. In short, it sucks. But it can pay off, if you put out. Slut.
BAERS was founded out of the dream that if you go hard
enough in the paint, even newbies can survive and thrive get dank frags in
wormhole space. We started out as a lowly newbie c2 corporation in June 2013,
and since then we have learned, fought, and lucked our way into the legendary
Class 6 system J105934, aka Nova.
We will always remain true to our newbie roots, with
skill plans and SP requirements that most high class wormhole corporations
would consider obscenely low, and designed specifically so that the newest of
newbies possible can participate in wormhole PVP in a meaningful, even powerful
Even though we are newbie friendly, that doesn’t mean
life is easy. Wormhole space means taking initiative, doing your own scouting,
and creating your own content. A 2 month old newbie who scans constantly is
more valuable than a 3 year vet who only logs on for pings.
...and what do we do?
Our daily life consists of scanning chains, rage rolling,
and blops dropping for content. For the newbies, that means scanning wormhole
connections until you find a PVP or PVE fleet out in space, and then forming a
fleet to fight or gank them, among other things. Rage rolling is forming a
fleet and repeatedly collapsing your static to roll into a carebear operation.
Combining blops with wormholes means that you can appear anywhere in nullsec to
hunt ratters. On weekends we like to do evictions and/or logoff traps of
wormhole corporations that refuse to PvP.
We teach and encourage members to be self-reliant when it
comes to making ISK as a wormholer, whether it be solo or small gang site
running in the chain, PI, or out of hole activities like DED sites,
incursioning or market PvP.
Above all, we are dedicated to three things: chilling out
with space friends, empowering newbies, and turning those newbies into a
wormhole PvP powerhouse. We don’t always succeed, but goddamn if we don’t look
stylish failing.
Who can join?
Anyone who isn’t a douche, tool, or sperg. We have a very
low minimum SP threshold, but above all, we look for people who are:
1. Chill
2. Creative
3. Intelligent
Whether you are a 2 month old newbie or a 6 year
bittervet, our standards are the same. Be a fun person to hang out with who
doesn’t take the game or himself too seriously. Show initiative, be someone who
seeks out content and knowledge. Be eager to learn. Game knowledge is not
important, but the ability to understand instructions and learn new things
definitely is. If you can’t grasp basic concepts the fifth time they are
explained, wormhole space isn’t for you.
Minimum SP
We’ve gone back to our roots and stripped down our SP
requirements, so if you were told to train up and come back later, you
may want to try again. We want to focus on who you are, not what your EVE
character can do. So, these are the bargain basement skill requirements that
are essential to you enjoying and growing in wormholes.
To check if you meet these requirements, join our public
fleet-up, STAHP, and browse to the newbie doctrines section.
1. Fly one ship from each of our two main doctrines, OR
Grizzly doctrine (Armor T3s) (Fly one or more)
Newbie boats:
-Augoror Navy Issue
-Stabber Fleet Issue
Mainline boats:
Utility boats:
-Falcon or Curse
-Any interdictor
-Devoter or Phobos
-Eos, Astarte, Damnation, or Absolution
Ishtar doctrine (…Ishtars) (Fly one or more)
Newbie boats:
-Vexor Navy Issue
-Stabber Fleet Issue
Mainline boats:
Utility boats
-Falcon, Curse, Lachesis, or Huginn
-Any dictor
-Any interceptor
2. Basic Scanning/utility Skills
Astrometrics 4
Astrometric Acquisition 3
Astrometric Pinpointing 3
Astrometric Rangefinding 3
Cloaking 4
Salvaging 3
3. Basic Core Skills
Power Grid Management 5
CPU Management 5
Hull Upgrades 4
Shield Upgrades 3
Tactical Shield Manipulation 3
Shield Management 3
Shield Operation 3
Weapon Upgrades 4
Capacitor Management 3
Capacitor Systems Operation 4
4. An assortment of remaining support skills
Holy fuck, look at that. No t2 tank of any kind, no
covops, no t3, no t2 even. What the fuck are we thinking? Well, we're thinking
that a good 'ceptor pilot makes the difference between kills and no kills. A
good dictor pilot can win a fight. Hell, a t1 logi can hold reps long enough
for us to clear off some DPS and get some kills. We've learned that even in
wormhole space, a newbie who will learn, listen, and follow orders, can be a
powerful asset.
So, how do I apply?
Join our public channel in game, Dropbears Anonymous.
Read the instructions in the MOTD. You may at some point receive a form (the legendary). Put effort into filling it out. I know that our recruiters
would rather invite a newbie who shows effort than a titan pilot who can't be
bothered to spell or write more than a sentence.
From there, you're waiting for
us to clear off the huge backlog of dudes clamoring to get in. In the mean time, join a STAHP fleet to learn about wormholes while making ISK, and start working on the Dropbears Skill Plan.
Good luck.
Friday, December 12, 2014
What is STAHP?
STAHP is the Sleeper Tears Appreciation and Harvesting Partnership, a project run by Baers. Our objective is to teach people how to scan and make ISK in wormholes, and run fleets to make sweet sweet ISK for your whelping wallet. We will be running teaching fleets for exploration and scanning, and also clearing out wormholes for delicious blue loot as and when we have good holes from Catch.
Our doctrine ships include the Vexor Navy Issue, the Myrmidon, the Dominix, supported by Guardians, Basiliks or Scythes depending on what we need. Not a Logi 5 pilot? No problem, we have T1 logi ships that are fine too, as well as Remote Repping DPS fits. Can’t afford any of our fittings or ships? We can lend you one until you can afford your own.
If you add a signature to our tracker and we run the sites, you will get a finders fee. So, any time you come across a wormhole in your exploring in Catch, jump in and add it to our tracker. It could make you ISK just for filling out a quick form.
The Signature Tracker. - http://tracker.dropbear.life/[1]
So, you’ve come across a wormhole in your usual exploration and don't know what to do with it. Load up our Wormhole Signature Tool, at http://tracker.dropbear.life/[2] and click Add Wormhole. Open it in an in-game browser if you want it to do the hard work for you.
What system you are currently in goes in the Connecting System Name (So, GE-8JV for example). Add the Signature ID of the wormhole you’re about to jump in. At this point, go ahead and enter that hole.
Once you’re on the other side, Add the Wormhole System Name found in the top left of the screen to the relevent box (EG, J105934), copy and paste the anomalies by making sure Anomalies are viewable on your Probe Scanner, CTRL+A then CTRL+C, and Paste it into that box. This tells us how many combat sites are in the hole.
If you could tell us more information by clicking information on the wormhole at this point, that would be a great help in checking if its worth forming a fleet for. (EG, is it End Of Life? Frigate Only? Has it had its mass critically reduced?). Sounds like a lot of work, but only takes a minute once you get the hang of it.
Once you’ve done all that, feel free to head back through the hole into Catch and resume your normal Exploring if you don’t want to go deeper down the wormhole chain. We’ll take it from here, and remember, you’ll get a cut if we run the hole you find. Remember if you warp OFF the Hole in the Wormhole to bookmark yourself a way back out.
1 - Join STAHPbears channel in game for our public channel and notifications when we're forming.
2 - Add ALL the wormholes you find whilst exploring in Catch to our Tracker. http://tracker.dropbear.life/[3]
3 - Join fleets.
4 - Always be checking D-Scan.
5 - Profit! Use the extra ISK to Whelp ships in fun fleets, or buy that Eagle you've always wanted, or fill a hauler with Space Booze and see how far you can run with it before it getting blown up. Whatever you want to do.
Live from reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bravenewbies/comments/2p09py/introducing_stahp_for_all_your_wormhole_needs/ courtesy of queue arcana (ty bb)
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Jspace ISK and the Newbie
A practical guide to newbie farming in jspace
Brought to you by Dropbears Anonymous and a DAMN PATRIOT
Greetings loved ones. A rich newbie is an eager to PvP newbie. I will never forget when I first discovered that I could make obscene amounts of ISK in wormholes, with extremely low SP. I Iost 3 battlecruisers in a day. At that time, obscene, for me, was 15m-30m ISK/hr, and extremely low SP meant a t1 fit Exequror. I would spend hours spamming alliance channels to form a c3 fleet of t1 logi and cruisers, and be bouncing off the walls excited to pull down 800m for 13 people in a night.
Since that time, I’ve formed Dropbears Anonymous, wasted far too much time on this shitty game, and learned how to live and love in jspace. We make more money now, and PvP in shinier ships, but I will never forget my roots as a newbie, and I will never stop loving BRAVE for giving me my start.
I’m writing this guide because in Phoebe, possibly the best patch since before I joined, c1-c3 (aka low class) space got significant ISK buffs, and I want you, the average newbie, to be able to take advantage of it! One of the things I love about jspace jewing is that it is a straight progression of difficulty and reward from c1-c3 space, and on to c5-c6 space and above. In low class space you might expect 25-100m isk/hr depending on your skills. This one secret that sleepers hate in C5 relics can jump you up to 200-400m/hr depending on your luck. And capital escalations can earn you from 700m – 2.4b/hr depending on how many capital accounts you have. This guide will address low class space, and future guides will discuss c5 and c6 space. C4 space is shit don’t go there.
General concepts
In the past, I’ve encouraged newbies to bring logi based fleets, both armor and shield. However, I’m now convinced that solo fits are the best way to go. You can of course fleet up with your buddies, and the isk/hr your group brings in will scale up almost linearly with the number of people you have, since they’re all in DPS boats!
The fits we will look at today are 100% passive, capless shield fits, mostly drone based. I am a huge fan of these types of fits for solo jewing, since you can modulate your dps and tank using the handy mobile depot, simply by switching out your low slots.
Most of your ISK in low class holes used to come from Melted Nanoribbons, but since 2 types of cheaper “blue loot” got buffed by nearly 300%, a large portion of it will now come from blue loot drops. Blue loot is what sleepers drop, and each class (frigate, cruiser, battleship) will always drop the same exact amount of loot. You can take this loot and sell it in hisec space to NPC buy orders.
What you need
In order to successfully print ISK in jspace, you will need the following things:
1. Don’t be a fucking idiot
2. Scanning skills
Astrometrics 4 recommended, with support skills to 3. Spring for sisters core scanner probes once you get used to surviving in your scanning ship, they will make your life much easier.
3. Skills to fit one of the fits presented here, with the absolute minimum being:
T2 shield tank
T2 light and medium drones, Heavy Drones or Sentry Drones, and basic Artillery skills
Weapon upgrades 4
Energy grid upgrades 4
4. Salvage skills
Salvaging 3 is necessary for c1 space, and 4 for c2-c3 space. However, you can get away with salvaging 3 if you fit a salvage destroyer and come back through to vacuum instead of salvaging as you go.
Resources to help you with #1: Bookmark these sites:
www.wh.pasta.gg is a wormhole information tool which will instantly give you details on activity in any wormhole you are present in
www.siggy.borkedlabs.com you can pay a small monthly fee to use this wormhole mapping tool, it has many many features which I will not detail here, but suffice it to say, I pay a lot of isk to keep my corporation subscribed
https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Wormholes#Wormhole_Identification is a page to learn more about wormholes in general, which will fill in information gaps I leave here. Read it all. This particular bookmark will take you to the wormhole identification guide.
What are wormholes?
Wormholes are systems which are not connected to the rest of EVE via jumpgates. Instead, they are connected to each other and kspace by… wormholes. Yes, wormholes are places and also gates to places.
Wormholes are systems which are not connected to the rest of EVE via jumpgates. Instead, they are connected to each other and kspace by… wormholes. Yes, wormholes are places and also gates to places.
Inside wormholes you will find combat anomalies called Sleeper sites, populated by the most deadly rats in New Eden, the Sleepers, which are drones long left alone and gone rogue. You will also find players who live in wormholes, and want to kill you. Watch out for these dudes.
Finding your wormhole
For a “day trip” into jspace, you will need to first find a suitable wormhole system. Finding wormholes is easy, just take your favorite scanning ship to a nearby system and scan down signatures. When you find a wormhole, warp to it! You will land 8km off of a pulsing translucent ball, a wormhole connection which will lead you into a wormhole system.
For a “day trip” into jspace, you will need to first find a suitable wormhole system. Finding wormholes is easy, just take your favorite scanning ship to a nearby system and scan down signatures. When you find a wormhole, warp to it! You will land 8km off of a pulsing translucent ball, a wormhole connection which will lead you into a wormhole system.
Show info on the wormhole, and you will find 4 critical pieces of information.
1. Wormhole ID:
If it says “K162,” it was spawned from the other side. Wormholes spawn from one system to another. If it says something like “R934,” you can google that result, or go to https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Wormholes#Wormhole_Identification, and find out the hole’s stats, and where it leads.
If it says “K162,” it was spawned from the other side. Wormholes spawn from one system to another. If it says something like “R934,” you can google that result, or go to https://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Wormholes#Wormhole_Identification, and find out the hole’s stats, and where it leads.
2. Wormhole mass.
Each wormhole connection has a maximum jump mass allowed, as well as a total jump mass allowed over its life. The WH ID will tell you your connection’s mass stats. Total mass allowed is variable by up to 10% up or down.
Each wormhole connection has a maximum jump mass allowed, as well as a total jump mass allowed over its life. The WH ID will tell you your connection’s mass stats. Total mass allowed is variable by up to 10% up or down.
The wormhole mass status is indicated by:
50%+ left: Has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted
50% to 10% left: Has had its stability reduced, but not to a critical degree yet
10% or less: This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse.
50%+ left: Has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted
50% to 10% left: Has had its stability reduced, but not to a critical degree yet
10% or less: This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse.
Unless you are a Dropbear, I would not recommend moving through a “critical” or “Stage 3” hole (verge of collapse), as any amount of mass (even a pod) might collapse it.
If you are looking to avoid PvP (and in this guide, you are), I would recommend staying away from “reduced” or “Stage 2” holes, as they indicate a high amount of traffic.
3. Wormhole life
A wormhole connection will exist in space for between 16 and 48 hours, variable by up to 25%.
A wormhole connection will exist in space for between 16 and 48 hours, variable by up to 25%.
The wormhole status will display:
99%+ life left: Life cycle has not begun
25%+ life left: Probably won't last another day
0% to 25% life left: Reaching the end of its natural lifetime
99%+ life left: Life cycle has not begun
25%+ life left: Probably won't last another day
0% to 25% life left: Reaching the end of its natural lifetime
Do NOT go through an end of life, or “EOL” hole unless you are a Dropbear. An EOL hole can collapse at any time. However, if you know precisely when the hole changed to EOL status, you can use maths to figure out how long you have left before it collapses.
4. Frigate and Destroyer holes
In the Hyperion update, new wormholes were added which can only be entered by very small mass ships such as frigates, destroyers, and multiple bubble hictors (it’s a wormhole thing.) These wormholes are of course no good for your purposes, because you will not be able to bring your jewing ship through them.
In the Hyperion update, new wormholes were added which can only be entered by very small mass ships such as frigates, destroyers, and multiple bubble hictors (it’s a wormhole thing.) These wormholes are of course no good for your purposes, because you will not be able to bring your jewing ship through them.
The wormhole status will display:
Frigate/Destroyer only: This hole can be entered by very small ships only
Subcapital: This hole can be entered by ??? I don’t remember
Capital: This hole can be entered by very large ships
Subcapital: This hole can be entered by ??? I don’t remember
Capital: This hole can be entered by very large ships
So, you are looking for a hole that
1. Leads into your preferred class
2. Has not been mass disrupted
3. Is not end of life
4.Is a medium or larger size hole
However, you can enter a hole which does not meet #1 and scan inside it for additional connections.
Once you have found your target class (c1-c3), you will evaluate the hole for its jew potential.
Once you have found your target class (c1-c3), you will evaluate the hole for its jew potential.
PVP Safety
Wormholes have no local chat, which makes them awesome, and also means at any time a cloaky hunter could be watching you. This means little newbie jew boats are vulnerable to being jumped at any time. While you probably can’t eliminate this risk, especially as a solo pilot, you can reduce it.
Evaluating the hole:
Go to www.wh.pasta.gg and refresh the box. It will tell you who lives in the hole, link you their killboards, and tell you about recent pvp activity. If the hole has active pvp residents who share a TZ with your jewing, you may want to find another hole. The chances of this are extremely low, as most of jspace is empty or populated by lightly active or non pvp corps.
Safest: Scan down all signatures in the hole, place a scout on each, and listen for wormhole activations. Dscan all moons and make sure there are no online ships. Have a scout warp between moons to dscan them all periodically to make sure no residents come online.
Safe’ish: Scan down all signatures in the hole, make sure none of them are wormhole connections with active ships inside them. Dscan constantly with your jew boat, and make sure you are ready to warp out at a moment’s notice. Stay aligned to a celestial or safe spot.
Risky: Don’t scan down signatures, verify the hole has no uncloaked active pvp ships, jew to your little heart’s content and then explode. Dscan constantly.
Go to www.wh.pasta.gg and refresh the box. It will tell you who lives in the hole, link you their killboards, and tell you about recent pvp activity. If the hole has active pvp residents who share a TZ with your jewing, you may want to find another hole. The chances of this are extremely low, as most of jspace is empty or populated by lightly active or non pvp corps.
Safest: Scan down all signatures in the hole, place a scout on each, and listen for wormhole activations. Dscan all moons and make sure there are no online ships. Have a scout warp between moons to dscan them all periodically to make sure no residents come online.
Safe’ish: Scan down all signatures in the hole, make sure none of them are wormhole connections with active ships inside them. Dscan constantly with your jew boat, and make sure you are ready to warp out at a moment’s notice. Stay aligned to a celestial or safe spot.
Risky: Don’t scan down signatures, verify the hole has no uncloaked active pvp ships, jew to your little heart’s content and then explode. Dscan constantly.
Combat anomalies
Next, check your show combat anomalies button on your probe scan, and look for a lot of green sites. Are there a lot of them? Great! Make sure they’re combat and not ore. Ew. Mining. Ew. Worse than carebearing. Ewww. Ew for the ew god.
Congratulations, you’ve decided to farm in this particular hole! Here’s how you’ll do it.
The Jew Boats
The following boats are all passive (capless) shield tanks. Here are some important things to think about.
1. All low slots can be interchanged, so carry a full low rack of drone damage amplifiers and shield power relays.
2. Carry a mobile depot, mobile tractor unit, cloak, probes, probe launcher, appropriately sized MWD and AB, and a full rack of warp core stabs for travelling through sticky situations.
3. All weapons other than small and med drones are t1, but obviously use t2 if you have the skills for it and your dps will go way up.
4. Sentry drones are interchangeable for heavy drones, you will get slightly less DPS but apply it much faster. This won’t work on some sites, however, depending on the range the sleepers like to pull, and if you only can carry 1 set (VNI for example).
5. If you have a fleet of 2 or more, you can replace some high slots with remote shield boosters. This will allow the non-primary(ies) to feed the primary shield, and reduce his need for refitting. Although you lose dps from the guns (not much, and none of VNI), it’s well worth it to keep your drone dps buffed.
6. Depending on your skills, some of the high slot modules may need to be offline. That’s fine, they’re mostly there for decoration.
7. If your drone avionics skill is low, you may need a Drone Link Augmentor in your high slots. Be careful, it uses a lot of CPU
8. Geckos are often preferable, but are quite expensive, and sleepers WILL target drones. Also my EFT is not up to date (see above) so I couldn't put them in the fits.
9. Carry a couple of ECM modules and nosferatus. If your drones are taking agro, fit them and activate them. Sleepers hate EWAR.
Passive Vexor for C1-2:
Stats: [Low skill] 381 DPS, 148-336hp/s tank, [All V] 472 DPS, 166-379 hp/s tank
Stats: [Low skill] 381 DPS, 148-336hp/s tank, [All V] 472 DPS, 166-379 hp/s tank
[Vexor, Passive c1 -c2]
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
650mm Artillery Cannon I, EMP M
650mm Artillery Cannon I, EMP M
650mm Artillery Cannon I, EMP M
280mm 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP S
650mm Artillery Cannon I, EMP M
650mm Artillery Cannon I, EMP M
280mm 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP S
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Hammerhead II x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Salvage Drone I x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Salvage Drone I x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Passive Myrmidon for C1-C3:
Stats: [Low skill] 468 dps, 270-616hp/s [All V] 630dps, 695hp/s
Stats: [Low skill] 468 dps, 270-616hp/s [All V] 630dps, 695hp/s
[Myrmidon, Passive C1-C3]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x4
Salvage Drone I x5
Vespa EC-600 x5
Hammerhead II x3
Hobgoblin II x1
Federation Navy Ogre x2
Hobgoblin II x4
Salvage Drone I x5
Vespa EC-600 x5
Hammerhead II x3
Hobgoblin II x1
Federation Navy Ogre x2
Stratios, Passive C1-C3
Stats: [Low skill] 461dps, 248-466hp/s, [All V] 664 DPS, 280-638hp/s
Stats: [Low skill] 461dps, 248-466hp/s, [All V] 664 DPS, 280-638hp/s
[Stratios, Passive C1-C3]
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
Medium S95a Remote Shield Booster
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
Medium S95a Remote Shield Booster
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Hammerhead II x3
Hobgoblin II x5
Wasp EC-900 x5
Salvage Drone I x5
Hammerhead II x2
Federation Navy Ogre x3
Hobgoblin II x5
Wasp EC-900 x5
Salvage Drone I x5
Hammerhead II x2
Federation Navy Ogre x3
Vexor Navy Issue, Passive C1-C3
Stats: [Mid Skills] 572dps, 206-469hp/s [All V] 738dps, 232-529hp/s
Stats: [Mid Skills] 572dps, 206-469hp/s [All V] 738dps, 232-529hp/s
[Vexor Navy Issue, Passive C1-C3]
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
720mm 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
720mm 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
Medium S95a Remote Shield Booster
Medium S95a Remote Shield Booster
720mm 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
Medium S95a Remote Shield Booster
Medium S95a Remote Shield Booster
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Federation Navy Ogre x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Hammerhead II x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Hammerhead II x5
Ishtar, Passive C1-C3
Stats: [Mid skill] 532dps, 272-619hp/s, [All V] 734dps, 309-704hp/s
[Ishtar, Passive C1-C3]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M /OFFLINE
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M /OFFLINE
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M /OFFLINE
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
650mm Medium 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP M
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Hammerhead II x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Federation Navy Ogre x5
Wasp EC-900 x5
Salvage Drone I x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Federation Navy Ogre x5
Wasp EC-900 x5
Salvage Drone I x5
Dominix, Passive C1-C3
Stats: [Mid Skills] 605dps, 252-574hp/s, [All V] 826dps, 284-647hp/s
Stats: [Mid Skills] 605dps, 252-574hp/s, [All V] 826dps, 284-647hp/s
[Dominix, Passive C1-C3]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Amplifier II
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP L
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP L
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP L
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP L
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP L
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP L
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP L
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP L
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP L
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP L
1200mm Heavy 'Scout' Artillery I, EMP L
Large Core Defense Field Purger I
Large Core Defense Field Purger I
Large Core Defense Field Purger I
Large Core Defense Field Purger I
Large Core Defense Field Purger I
Federation Navy Ogre x5
Hammerhead II x5
Wasp EC-900 x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Salvage Drone I x5
Hammerhead II x5
Wasp EC-900 x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Salvage Drone I x5
Salvaging Destroyer
[Cormorant, Basic Salvager]
Nanofiber Internal Structure I
Beta Hull Mod Nanofiber Structure
Beta Hull Mod Nanofiber Structure
Upgraded 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Cap Recharger I
Cap Recharger I
Cap Recharger I
Cap Recharger I
Prototype Cloaking Device I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Small Tractor Beam I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Small Tractor Beam I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I
Sample Scanning Frigate
[Heron, Scan Drop]
Warp Core Stabilizer I
Warp Core Stabilizer I
[Heron, Scan Drop]
Warp Core Stabilizer I
Warp Core Stabilizer I
Scan Acquisition Array I
Scan Pinpointing Array I
Scan Rangefinding Array I
Upgraded 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Scan Pinpointing Array I
Scan Rangefinding Array I
Upgraded 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Scan Rangefinding Array I
Core Probe Launcher I, Core Scanner Probe I
Prototype Cloaking Device I
200mm AutoCannon I, EMP S
Prototype Cloaking Device I
200mm AutoCannon I, EMP S
[empty rig slot]
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Combat Sites and how to run them
Information about all combat sites can be found on siggy or by googling the name of the site, or by going directly to http://eve-survival.org/. Generally, C1 sites will put out ~150, C2 sites will put out ~400, and C3 sites will put out ~700 max. I haven’t been in low class space for a while, so I’m going to publish this guide without details on each individual site, but in the future I plan to supplement this guide with specifics on each individual site and how to run them.
Information about all combat sites can be found on siggy or by googling the name of the site, or by going directly to http://eve-survival.org/. Generally, C1 sites will put out ~150, C2 sites will put out ~400, and C3 sites will put out ~700 max. I haven’t been in low class space for a while, so I’m going to publish this guide without details on each individual site, but in the future I plan to supplement this guide with specifics on each individual site and how to run them.
For now, here’s some basics:
0. Warp off
When you're first experiencings sleepers, you may find them stronk. Fortunately, there are very few scrams in low class anoms, so remember you can always just warp off if you start getting low.
When you're first experiencings sleepers, you may find them stronk. Fortunately, there are very few scrams in low class anoms, so remember you can always just warp off if you start getting low.
1. Bookmark your warpins
In each site, the sleeper will spawn x distance away from the warpin point. I find it useful for many sites to warp to the site, bookmark an object in space near the sleeper spawn, then warp to the next site, and repeat until all the sites I plan on doing have warpins. This saves a lot of time and boosts your dps/applied dps by having shorter ranges.
In each site, the sleeper will spawn x distance away from the warpin point. I find it useful for many sites to warp to the site, bookmark an object in space near the sleeper spawn, then warp to the next site, and repeat until all the sites I plan on doing have warpins. This saves a lot of time and boosts your dps/applied dps by having shorter ranges.
2. Orbit your depot, refit
Drop a mobile depot and MTU, and orbit the depot at 1000. You will be able to refit your low slots as necessary, learning how much tank you can sacrifice to gain additional DPS. Remember, the more guys you bring, the less tank you need! Don’t forget to warp in to different points if you want to drop multiple depots.
Drop a mobile depot and MTU, and orbit the depot at 1000. You will be able to refit your low slots as necessary, learning how much tank you can sacrifice to gain additional DPS. Remember, the more guys you bring, the less tank you need! Don’t forget to warp in to different points if you want to drop multiple depots.
Also remember that orbiting makes you more vulnerable to cloaky ganking, so if you are risking a big portion of your assets doing this, consider aligning to celestials back and forth instead. Go at 75% speed.
3. Watch your triggers and scrams, kill the small shit first, use the right drones
Unlike nullsec anoms, each wave has a trigger rat which will spawn the next wave, and then you will die. Be sure you read eve-survival to tell you which rats to shoot first. Make sure you shoot any scrams (there aren’t very many) first, so that you can warp off if you need to. Kill any smaller non-triggers first, since that will reduce incoming DPS. Switch drone types depending on your target (frigate- small, cruiser- medium, battleship- large/sentry). Consider assigning various size targets to individual pilots for faster clearing.
Unlike nullsec anoms, each wave has a trigger rat which will spawn the next wave, and then you will die. Be sure you read eve-survival to tell you which rats to shoot first. Make sure you shoot any scrams (there aren’t very many) first, so that you can warp off if you need to. Kill any smaller non-triggers first, since that will reduce incoming DPS. Switch drone types depending on your target (frigate- small, cruiser- medium, battleship- large/sentry). Consider assigning various size targets to individual pilots for faster clearing.
4. Salvage for justice
If you are soloing, you may find yourself capless during sites, and won’t be able to salvage. If not, try
to salvage during the site. The alternative is to put salvaging drones out after each site and salvage, or fit a salvage destroyer and bookmark each site to warp back to and salvage after you are done.
Careful, the wrecks despawn in 1-2 hrs.
The Phoebe update added Nullsec data/relic sites to C1-C3 space, which can be very profitable. They will present their own set of challenges, but I highly encourage you to seek them out and learn about them.
Selling your loot
Congratulations, your cargo has a very high estimated value! However, unlike nullsec ratting where bounties are automatically credited to your account, you will have to safely take your loot to hisec to be sold. The loot will come in two forms: blue loot, and salvage, mostly melted nanoribbons. Blue loot can be sold to any NPC buy orders in hisec, which can be found on eve-central or by showing market details on your loot in a hisec region. Remember not to get scammed and NEVER sell to a player order. Scam buy orders permeate kspace, ignore them. NPC buy orders will be for 200,000, 500,000, 1,500,000, and 4,000,000. Don’t be fooled! Salvage should ideally be taken to jita where prices are the highest. You can sell to buy orders or list them to sell, but the market is very competitive.
Congratulations, your cargo has a very high estimated value! However, unlike nullsec ratting where bounties are automatically credited to your account, you will have to safely take your loot to hisec to be sold. The loot will come in two forms: blue loot, and salvage, mostly melted nanoribbons. Blue loot can be sold to any NPC buy orders in hisec, which can be found on eve-central or by showing market details on your loot in a hisec region. Remember not to get scammed and NEVER sell to a player order. Scam buy orders permeate kspace, ignore them. NPC buy orders will be for 200,000, 500,000, 1,500,000, and 4,000,000. Don’t be fooled! Salvage should ideally be taken to jita where prices are the highest. You can sell to buy orders or list them to sell, but the market is very competitive.
Now go take your hard earned isk and PvP with it you fucking jew.
Now go take your hard earned isk and PvP with it you fucking jew.
What’s next?
In the future, I’ll write guides on higher difficulty activities, including soloing C5 relic sites, and solo escalating C5 and C6 sites, which is where the stupid isk is. Once you’ve arrived at C5 and C6 escalations, be prepared to buy a new cap pilot every week with your shekels.
In the future, I’ll write guides on higher difficulty activities, including soloing C5 relic sites, and solo escalating C5 and C6 sites, which is where the stupid isk is. Once you’ve arrived at C5 and C6 escalations, be prepared to buy a new cap pilot every week with your shekels.
Dropbears has reopened direct recruitment to players of (nearly) all skill levels. In fact, we have crafted doctrines which require low SP, but are surprisingly powerful and can be flown directly alongside our mainline T3 doctrines. You can be a newbie and thrive in high class space, as long as you aren’t a pussy. See our in game channel, Dropbears Anonymous in game for more info.
Good luck out there and feel free to convo me in game with questions, a DAMN PATRIOT, or stop by the Dropbears Anonymous channel to hit up one of our officers or members.
Dropbears Anonymous
BRAVE Collective
p.s. This is a first draft, and probably fucked sideways because I wrote it in one afternoon off the top of my head, and haven't farmed low class space in about a year. If you have any suggestions for easy to use fits that get better stats than mine, or other suggestions to improve this guide, please send them to me so I can include them
Sunday, August 3, 2014
BRAVE SKILL PLAN V 2.0, now with 200% more FREEDOM
Greetings loved ones, it is I, a DAMN PATRIOT, back again with
the OFFICIAL BRAVE SKILL PLAN v2.0, now with 200% more FREEDOM.
This is a complete
combat plan for all BRAVE pilots who want to train all major BRAVE Doctrines, including Harpies, Cormorants, Talwars, Caracals, Moas, ANIs, Interceptors,
Bombers, EAGLES, Cerberus’s’s, and finally Tengus(soon)™. Along the way you
will also acquire PVE skills in order to fund your PVP fun, the ability to fly
all t1 cruisers and weapon systems, a solid bank of support skills, and more
fun than your virgin noob ass can handle.
The philosophy I follow when designing any skill plan is to train for ships. Although the plan
spans over 400 days, every few weeks
you will acquire the skills to fly a brand
new ship. You won’t find yourself waiting around for something to do as you
train to the last ship, because you’ll be flying
new ships every day. Have fun
instructions before starting plan:
A: Remap
your attributes to Perception (MAX:27)/Intelligence (21) by:
1. Click character icon in top left or press alt+a
2. Click attributes
3. Click remap now
4. Subtract points from all skills
5. Max points into Perception
6. Remaining points into Intelligence
This is the absolute best remap for newbies by far, and will
cut 10% off your training time while allowing you to rapidly acquire a variety
of skills in rapid succession without worrying about grouping them together in
lame and boring ways.
B: Run with
+1 or +2 implants always. +1s free from DOJO brah.
Running with +2 implants in the primary and secondary slot will
cut your training time by a further 10%, totes worth. +3 implants in the
primary attributes of most skills only will give you another 3% (35 + 10 full
days over the next year.) In order to save ISK and allow yourself to get
repeatedly podded without worrying about that ISK, use +3 or +2 in your currently
training skill’s primary attribute (view info on the skill), and +2 or +1 in
the secondary attribute. +1 implants are
free from BRAVE DOJO, the only time you should not be running them is when you
plan to get podded more than 5 times in the next hour.
Starter Pack
We start you off with a slew of the most basic skills with
which you will enjoy your neocom going “Doo doo doo” repeatedly for about 2
days straight. You’ll immediately be able to get into the fight with BRAVE
tackle frigates, including Atrons, Condors, Rifters, and more.
Cybernetics I
Gallente Frigate I
Hull Upgrades I
Small Hybrid Turret I
Propulsion Jamming I
Afterburner I
Afterburner II
Afterburner III
High Speed Maneuvering I
Small Hybrid Turret II
Target Management I
Signature Analysis I
Warp Drive Operation I
Drones I
Drone Avionics I
Small Projectile Turret I
Capacitor Systems Operation I
Repair Systems I
Missile Launcher Operation I
Rockets I
Leadership I
Long Range Targeting I
Shield Upgrades I
Evasive Maneuvering I
Minmatar Frigate I
Caldari Frigate I
Rapid Firing I
Sharpshooter I
Controlled Bursts I
Motion Prediction I
Electronic Warfare I
Energy Grid Upgrades I
Weapon Upgrades I
Missile Bombardment I
Shield Management I
Target Painting I
Weapon Disruption I
Capacitor Management I
Tactical Shield Manipulation I
Acceleration Control I
Target Management II
Signature Analysis II
Fuel Conservation I
Warp Drive Operation II
Drones II
Drone Avionics II
Small Projectile Turret II
Capacitor Systems Operation II
Repair Systems II
Rockets II
Missile Launcher Operation II
Light Missiles I
Rapid Launch I
Target Navigation Prediction I
Gallente Frigate II
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Gallente Frigate III
Exploration Frigates - Heron
Great, now you’ve
got a ton of basic skills, and hopefully you’ve already died and killed in your
baller ass frigate. Now it’s time to
discover the absolute best way for a newbro to make ISK in BRAVE sovereign
space: exploration. Search the wiki for exploration to learn how, and drop
by the BRAVE DOJO Channel in game and in mumble to ask for someone to guide you
through it.
Survey I
Electronics Upgrades I
Astrometrics I
Survey II
Astrometric Rangefinding I
Evasive Maneuvering II
Caldari Frigate II
Electronics Upgrades II
Caldari Frigate III
Astrometrics II
Acceleration Control II
Mechanics III
Drones III
Light Drone Operation I
Light Drone Operation II
Survey III
Archaeology I
Salvaging I
Archaeology II
Salvaging II
Drone Avionics III
Missile Launcher Operation III
Missile Projection I
Electronics Upgrades III
Hacking I
Hacking II
Astrometrics III
Astrometric Acquisition I
Astrometric Acquisition II
Amarr Frigate III
Light Drone Operation III
Archaeology III
Hacking III
Salvaging III
CPU Management IV
Cloaking I
CPU Management IV
Cloaking I
Cloaking II
Cloaking III
EWAR Frigates
Oh you are a pro
explorer now? Awesome. Time to get your penis on by being a dick to enemy
fleets: it’s time to train Electronic Warfare, or EWAR skills. With just a
small frigate such as a Maulus or Griffin, you can render much more powerful
hostile ships impotent, like cagali cagali’s
Power Grid Management IV
Electronic Warfare II
Frequency Modulation I
Target Painting II
Weapon Disruption II
Propulsion Jamming II
Frequency Modulation II
Rockets III
Electronic Warfare III
Frequency Modulation III
Long Distance Jamming I
Long Distance Jamming II
Long Distance Jamming III
Long Range Targeting II
Shield Upgrades II
Minmatar Frigate II
Rapid Firing II
Controlled Bursts II
Motion Prediction II
Sharpshooter II
Weapon Upgrades II
Hull Upgrades II
Light Missiles II
Rapid Launch II
Missile Bombardment II
Target Navigation Prediction II
Minmatar Frigate III
High Speed Maneuvering II
Small Projectile Turret III
Small Hybrid Turret III
Capacitor Systems Operation III
Repair Systems III
Astrometric Rangefinding II
Shield Management II
Capacitor Management II
Tactical Shield Manipulation II
Missile Projection II
Armor Layering III
Gunnery III
All Destroyers - Cormorant - Talwar
God you’re a fucking
dick, jamming and damping all those helpless dudes. Time to learn how to
fly all the destroyers, including
the dank ass Talwar and the obnoxious
fucking Cormorant. Congratulations,
you have trained your first main BRAVE doctrine ships.
Amarr Destroyer I
Amarr Destroyer II
Gallente Destroyer I
Gallente Destroyer II
Caldari Destroyer I
Caldari Destroyer II
Caldari Destroyer III
Caldari Destroyer IV
Minmatar Destroyer I
Minmatar Destroyer II
Minmatar Destroyer III
Minmatar Destroyer IV
Missile Launcher Operation IV
Warhead Upgrades I
Warhead Upgrades II
Missile Projection III
Amarr Destroyer III
Science IV
Capacitor Management III
Thermodynamics I
Thermodynamics II
Thermodynamics III
Rapid Firing III
Controlled Bursts III
Motion Prediction III
Sharpshooter III
Hull Upgrades III
Rapid Launch III
Missile Bombardment III
Target Navigation Prediction III
Light Missiles III
Hull Upgrades IV
Caldari Frigate IV
T1 Logi - Scythe and Augoror
Oh you are a pro
destroyer pilot you say, well you won’t believe what I have in store for you. Finish
the all important fitting skills of PG V and CPU V in order to fit out your
next most powerful ship: t1 logistics cruisers, including the Moa doctrine Scythe, and the Augoror Navy
Issue doctrine Augoror. T1 logi are
hands down the most powerful noob ships in the game (except for my
trademark newbgeddons lol #rekt)
Power Grid Management V
CPU Management V
Energy Grid Upgrades III
Energy Grid Upgrades IV
Minmatar Cruiser I
Minmatar Cruiser II
Minmatar Cruiser III
Shield Emission Systems I
Shield Emission Systems II
Shield Emission Systems III
Shield Emission Systems IV
Shield Management III
Shield Management IV
Shield Operation III
Shield Operation IV
Shield Upgrades III
Shield Upgrades IV
Tactical Shield Manipulation III
Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
Capacitor Systems Operation IV
Capacitor Management IV
Minmatar Cruiser IV
Remote Armor Repair Systems I
Remote Armor Repair Systems II
Remote Armor Repair Systems III
Explosive Armor Compensation I
Explosive Armor Compensation II
Kinetic Armor Compensation I
Kinetic Armor Compensation II
Thermic Armor Compensation I
Thermic Armor Compensation II
Armor Layering I
Armor Layering II
EM Armor Compensation I
EM Armor Compensation II
Amarr Cruiser I
Amarr Cruiser II
Capacitor Emission Systems I
Capacitor Emission Systems II
Capacitor Emission Systems III
Amarr Cruiser III
Amarr Cruiser IV
Wow so logi very
reps much broadcast. You’re the HERO that HERO needs, but not the one it
deserves or something. Enjoy repairing your space bros and being the most powerful
newbie force multiplier in EVE. Next let’s
get you doing some real damage, it’s time to train for the basic main DPS of BRAVE’s
Moa doctrine.
Caldari Cruiser I
Caldari Cruiser II
Caldari Cruiser III
Medium Hybrid Turret I
Medium Hybrid Turret II
Medium Hybrid Turret III
Gunnery IV
Surgical Strike I
Trajectory Analysis I
Trajectory Analysis II
Surgical Strike II
Surgical Strike III
Rapid Firing IV
Weapon Upgrades III
Weapon Upgrades IV
Acceleration Control III
Evasive Maneuvering III
Fuel Conservation II
Fuel Conservation III
Warp Drive Operation III
Target Management III
Trajectory Analysis III
Signature Analysis III
Long Range Targeting III
Medium Hybrid Turret IV
Caldari Cruiser IV
All T1 Cruisers and Weapons - Caracals
Congratulations, you’re
now a certified badass F1 monkey. Remember, always lock targets from the fleet broadcast window, and press F1 and
stuff. Don’t get bombed out there. We’re going to do a quick train of the rest of the t1 cruisers and weapon
systems, and then push into some missile support skills so that we can fly Caracals,
well known as the most annoying ship in the game. (well, one of them.)
Gallente Destroyer III
Gallente Cruiser I
Gallente Cruiser II
Gallente Cruiser III
Medium Energy Turret I
Medium Energy Turret II
Medium Energy Turret III
Medium Projectile Turret I
Medium Projectile Turret II
Medium Projectile Turret III
Heavy Missiles I
Heavy Missiles II
Heavy Assault Missiles I
Heavy Assault Missiles II
Missile Launcher Operation V
Guided Missile Precision I
Guided Missile Precision II
Rapid Launch IV
Warhead Upgrades III
Guided Missile Precision III
Missile Bombardment IV
Heavy Missiles III
Heavy Missiles IV
Heavy Assault Missiles III
That was quicker,
even though we had to train a whole new set of support skills for missiles.
You’ll find that skills in EVE (and this plan) build on each other very quickly,
so that you often only have to train 1 or 2 skills to cross over into an
entirely different ship. Next up, we’ll
be training for one of the most fun ships in the game: interceptors. Tech II
light missiles will also make your Talwar OP, set you up for more frigate fun,
and let you ball out of control with anti-frigate Rapid Light Missile Caracals.
Mechanics IV
Light Missiles IV
Light Missiles V
Light Missiles Specialization I
Light Missiles Specialization II
Light Missiles Specialization III
Caldari Frigate V
Evasive Maneuvering IV
Evasive Maneuvering V
Interceptors I
Interceptors II
Interceptors III
Interceptors IV
Drones Pt.
Now we’re on to the first phase of drone skills: a pretty
big investment in training time, but nearly all ships use them to some degree,
and they’ll make your main doctrine ships much more powerful. You’ll also unlock the powerful Vexor Navy
Issue, which will allow you to destroy the Sanshas menace with Heavy drones
- Ogres and Praetors. Concord will pay you for that shit, then you can buy more
pvp ships to welp. The circle of liiiife.
Drones IV
Drones V
Drone Durability I
Drone Durability II
Drone Interfacing I
Drone Interfacing II
Drone Navigation I
Drone Navigation II
Drone Navigation III
Drone Sharpshooting I
Drone Sharpshooting II
Amarr Drone Specialization I
Amarr Drone Specialization II
Gallente Drone Specialization I
Gallente Drone Specialization II
Caldari Drone Specialization I
Minmatar Drone Specialization I
Heavy Drone Operation I
Heavy Drone Operation II
Heavy Drone Operation III
Amarr Drone Specialization III
Drone Avionics IV
Drone Interfacing III
Drone Sharpshooting III
Target Management IV
Drone Navigation IV
Gallente Cruiser IV
Tech 2
Hybrid Turrets
Ah, your first Cruiser sized tech 2 weapon system, medium
hybrid turrets. Continuing to improve the DPS of your Moa, we’ll be grabbing t2
Hybrid turrets, which will allow you to fire advanced ammo and F1 even harder.
Medium Hybrid Turret V
Motion Prediction IV
Medium Blaster Specialization I
Medium Blaster Specialization II
Medium Blaster Specialization III
Sharpshooter IV
Medium Railgun Specialization I
Medium Railgun Specialization II
Medium Railgun Specialization III
Tech 2
Armor tank, Augoror Navy Improvement
We’re going to spend a little time getting you up to DPS par
with the Augoror Navy doctrine, with hull upgrades V giving you a T2 armor
tank, and improving your energy turret skills. We’ll also throw in some support
Hull Upgrades V
Medium Energy Turret IV
Gunnery V
Controlled Bursts IV
Signature Analysis IV
Afterburner IV
Navigation IV
Repair Systems IV
Warp Drive Operation IV
High Speed Maneuvering III
Target Navigation Prediction IV
Missile Projection IV
Drones Pt.
We’ll round out your drone skills by increasing your Drone
control range, getting more support skills, and training sentry drones (nerf ishtars plz ccp).
Drone Avionics V
Drone Sharpshooting IV
Electronic Warfare IV
Advanced Drone Avionics I
Advanced Drone Avionics II
Advanced Drone Avionics III
Drone Interfacing IV
Drone Durability III
Sentry Drone Interfacing I
Sentry Drone Interfacing II
Sentry Drone Interfacing III
Sentry Drone Interfacing IV
Madness: Harpy and Bombers
From here you are on to two of the most cost efficient ships
in the game: assault frigates and bombers, in this case the Harpy and the Manticore. T2 Small Hybrids will also help you up your Cormorant
Electronics Upgrades IV
Small Hybrid Turret IV
Small Hybrid Turret V
Small Railgun Specialization I
Small Railgun Specialization II
Small Railgun Specialization III
Small Blaster Specialization I
Small Blaster Specialization II
Small Blaster Specialization III
Mechanics V
Assault Frigates I
Assault Frigates II
Assault Frigates III
Assault Frigates IV
Electronics Upgrades V
Cloaking IV
Covert Ops I
Covert Ops I
Covert Ops II
Covert Ops III
Torpedoes I
Torpedoes II
Torpedoes III
Bomb Deployment I
Bomb Deployment II
Bomb Deployment III
Torpedoes IV
Covert Ops IV
Long Range Targeting IV
Nanite Operation I
Nanite Operation II
Nanite Operation III
Nanite Interfacing I
Nanite Interfacing II
Nanite Interfacing III
It’s time. Yes
boys and girls the moment you’ve been waiting (Very patiently) for, EAGLE
FLEET. Get your first Cruiser V and T2 cruiser, and get ready to deliver some
Weapon Upgrades V
Advanced Weapon Upgrades I
Advanced Weapon Upgrades II
Advanced Weapon Upgrades III
Caldari Cruiser V
Energy Grid Upgrades V
Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
Heavy Assault Cruisers I
Heavy Assault Cruisers II
Heavy Assault Cruisers III
Heavy Assault Cruisers IV
Devil Dogs
Right after balling out of control with EAGLES, you’ll get
T2 Heavy missiles in order to fly the massively overpowered Cerberus and rain
down hellfire on unsuspecting noobs. Wait…
Heavy Missiles V
Heavy Missile Specialization I
Heavy Missile Specialization II
Heavy Missile Specialization III
Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV
Finally, you’ll be training for the pinnacle of subcap
power, the feared T3 cruiser. Useful for both PVP and PVE, the tengu is an
expensive, powerful tool which you have finally earned.
Rapid Firing V
Trajectory Analysis IV
Surgical Strike IV
Warhead Upgrades IV
Guided Missile Precision IV
Thermodynamics IV
Rapid Launch V
Caldari Strategic Cruiser I
Caldari Strategic Cruiser II
Caldari Strategic Cruiser III
Caldari Strategic Cruiser IV
Shield Operation V
Caldari Defensive Systems I
Caldari Defensive Systems II
Caldari Defensive Systems III
Caldari Defensive Systems IV
Caldari Electronic Systems I
Caldari Electronic Systems II
Caldari Electronic Systems III
Caldari Electronic Systems IV
Caldari Engineering Systems I
Caldari Engineering Systems II
Caldari Engineering Systems III
Caldari Engineering Systems IV
Caldari Offensive Systems I
Caldari Offensive Systems II
Caldari Offensive Systems III
Caldari Offensive Systems IV
Navigation V
Caldari Propulsion Systems I
Caldari Propulsion Systems II
Caldari Propulsion Systems III
Caldari Propulsion Systems IV
Caldari Offensive Systems V
Caldari Defensive Systems V
And that’s it. You have now mastered 90% of BRAVE’s doctrine
ships, and you have a solid base of support skills. From here you can train any
number of things, from additional t2/t3 cruisers, to carriers, to dreadnaughts
or t2 battleships. Go and be brave my children.