Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dropbears Skill Plan 2015

Hi Dropbears, and also hi to the poors or whatever. It's finally time for an update to our skill plan. You may have already sensed the direction, as we have been pushing ham legions and ishtars for quite some time.

As with all my skill plans, they are designed around the principle of leapfrogging ship to ship, always training what will give you the best return for the time invested. This particular plan is designed to take new players from 0 to flying our main doctrines as quickly as possible. For most (hopefully all...) of you, Stage 0 (minimum reqs) should have been completed a long time ago. If you're missing skills out of there, then, stop, you're shit, stop it.

From then, the plan is laid out sort of like this.

Stage 1 - Basics

The Basics stage will give you a firm all around footing, including solid support skills, and the ability to competently pilot several choices from our various doctrines, including prominently: the Prophecy and Armageddon (Grizzly Doctrine), and Vexor Navy Issue (Ishtar Doctrine).

Stage 2 - Any of: Interceptor, Electronic Attack Frigate, Interdictor

Without Tackle, most fights just won't happen. This isn't your average BNI yolo tackle atron though. In fact, often some of the most experienced pilots will be providing tackle for a Dropbears fleet - flying an interceptor or dictor *well* is a tough skill, and something that every Dropbear is required to develop and hone.

Stage 3 - HAM Legion

The HAM Legion, which has been our unofficial Grizzly main boat for some time now, is finally taking its rightful place as our primary Grizzly DPS ship. With selectable damage, near perfect application, and great mobility, HAM Legion OP.

Stage 4 - Shield Boat:

A - Ishtar > Proteus, B Tengu > Cerberus, C Guardian > Scimitar > Loki, D Huginn > Loki > Scimitar

For Stage 3, we have a variety of branches to choose from, all designed to get you into another powerful ship as quickly as possible. The main choice is Ishtar into Proteus. Ishtar first, to get you into our shield doctrine, and Proteus afterwards, because after a short 2 week train into t2 blasters/rails, the training is pretty much done.

Next option is Tengu > Cerberus. The Tengu in this case is actually an armor jamgu, not something to be fit into the shield doctrine. The reasoning here is that you'll be able to get into and fly the jamgu much faster than the Cerb, so it goes first.

Third is Guardian > Scimitar. Guardian first, because you already have Amarr Cruiser V from the HAM Legion training, and a quick hop to Logi IV lets you pilot a fair Guardian. Minmatar Cruiser V next gives you the Scimitar, and then finishing off Logi V will let you provide logi for our kitey bullshit shield fleets. Finally, since you already have all the requirements trained, 3 more weeks puts you into an excellent Loki.

Last choice is to go straight for the primary Ishtar support ship, the Huginn, providing webs and paints at range to great effect when combined with Ishtar DPS. Min Cruiser V then sets you up for Loki and Scimitar.

Stage 5 - Any covops/bomber

Lolwtf why did it take us so long to put you in a covops and bomber? Well I'll tell you. Astero. Bob, through CCP, blessed the young wormhole newbie by granting the ability to get into an Astero without training the Covops skill, and thereby bestowed upon you a ship that can warp cloak, fight solo, and take blops bridges, without any skill reqs to speak of. Praise unto Bob. I'd rather have you in our main doctrine ships 30 days earlier.

Stage 6 (Optional) - Any of: Recon, Hictor, Command Ship

Finally, before you plunge into the train for Caps, you may realize that you are close to or really want to train into a specialized ship. Go for it.

Stage 7 - Any of: Archon, Nidhoggur, Moros, Naglfar, Phoenix

Here it is. Many pilots spend years without training caps, whether because they can't see themselves affording them, can't see a use for them, or it just seems like a monumental caps. Dropbears use caps constantly, and Bob provides the isk to fly them recklessly. The Archon is our main triage support carrier, followed closely by the Nidhoggur. The Moros provides unrivalled DPS, the Naglfar offers selectable damage types, and ironically the Phoenix, horrible in kspace, offers insane capabilities in wormholes.

So there it is, here is the skill plan folder link. Currently available are Stages 0, 1, 3, and 4. The rest will be available shortly, along with shiny infographic.


  1. Patriot why you so sexy *cough* accept my app (nayl) *cough*

  2. I actually heard that it's processed and they just need to interview you now =)
