Friday, August 9, 2013

So, my basic philosophy on skill training and what ships to fly, molded in the fires of joyous atron explosions in good old rahadalon, is, shitfit everything, fly what you can't afford to lose, never not don't train support skills, and do what everyone says you can't do. Bittervets will tell you, you can't fly that battleship, you don't have the support skills. Well, give me 5 players with 5m SP over a player with 25m SP flying a properly fitted ship any day. Being terrible is what we do in brave newbies.
So, this career "plan", if you can call it a plan, is a summary of the quickest way I could think of to get into the various roles that are called for in a wormhole PVE fleet. These aren't the only ships we fly, far from it. But, I think the myrm is the quickest DPS ship to train into, and the domi is so good it's getting nerfed. But still good.
Anyway, it's a first draft, I probably forgot lots of shit and fucked it all up, feel free to critique it to shreds. When I tell you to fuck off, what I actually mean from the bottom of my heart is really, "fuck off." <3

text version linky

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