Recruitment into BAERS - Reopened!
This reopening comes with a restructuring and raising of our "entry level" skill-plan requirements. The focus of Dropbears Anonymous recruiters is based primarily on the attitude and capabilities of the individual pilot, but we'd like to have a higher base-line of versatility in what our new applicants can do on their first day in BAERS. It's still relatively minimal (no Cruiser V required, most notably), but it is higher than our old skill plan.
From a fresh character with +3 implants and a good remap, it's about 80 days of training. So if you find yourself far from meeting this requirement, don't worry - you're more than welcome (even encouraged!) to help run STAHP fleets if you're in BRAVE, or do you're own PvP thing (bonus points for those that dive into wormholes for dank frags).
Here's a link to the new Skill Plan files - openable in EVEMon, of course.
Below is a brief overview of what the new Stage 0 skill-plan entails, in general, and why each particular set of skills is important to being a contributing member to a wormhole corporation. Each of the skill sets presented also includes general support skills that will apply to almost all ships and pilots:
- Sit in all T1/faction/industrial ships.
- Rolling wormholes, moving looted ships, helping fuel ops, etc.
- Covert cloak (and MWD+Cloak Trick).
- Chain/wormhole scouting, general scanning, logoffski ops
- Relative safety moving through space and while scanning
- Effectively scan, especially for scouting purposes.
- Related to above.
- At least partially T2 armor tank, and fit a DCU II.
- Being able to *not* die in a ball of flames immediately on a fleet op
- Use jump clones effectively.
- Getting around the map, seeding clones in particular regions of interest
- Salvage Sleeper wrecks effectively using a Noctis.
- Making the PvE go by faster, maybe making some ISK, and getting back to praising BOB
- Reasonably use combat boosters.
- Having a competitive edge, especially in null/W-space engagements.
- Fly T1 cruiser logistics decently.
- Logi bros, best bros.
- Fly an EWAR Prophecy and/or DPS Harbinger effectively.
- Being able to have options in our Blunts doctrine.
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